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25 Planets And Their Numbers In Astrology

Rahu and ketu can be classed as nebulous and at times personal and at other times impersonal. They are called fast moving planets because they travel through the entire zodiac quickly.

Set Of Zodiac Signs And Planets

The innermost four planets mercury venus and mars are the personal planets whereas the next five jupiter saturn uranus and neptune and pluto are called impersonal.

Planets and their numbers in astrology. 4 uranus 4 13 22 and 31 born 5 mercury 5 14 and 23 born mercury also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of gemini and virgo. In indian numerology you have a close relationship between planets numbers and alphabets. Astrology is a very wide subject with many many layers of interpretation required to understand all the meanings provided by a persons natal chart where all the planets were at their precise time of birth in conjunction with the positions of the planets today or at a time of importance for that person.

According to astrology the planets are classed as personal and impersonal. For each planet you can also get more detail about them by clicking on the links within or get the whole list of them as well as other astrology goodies on our astrology page. For instance the description of mars is masculine impulsive and active.

The sun and uranus are interrelated and so is the moon and neptune. The fastest is the moon at 28 days. In numerology we talk about basic numbers one to nine similarly we have nine planets grahas namely sun moon mars mercury jupiter venus saturn rahu and ketu.

There is a strong attraction between numbers 1 4 and 2 7 and these four numbers are compatible with each other especially if born in cancer 21 june to 20 july and leo 21 july to 20 august. Personal planets social planets and collective planets. In addition to the earth astrology deals with ten planets namely the sun the moon the two luminaries are considered planets in astrology mercury venus mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune and pluto.

We give here below a table of planets numbers and alphabets. In astrology the planets are divided into three categories. 1 sun 1 10 19 and 28 born sun also is the ruler planet of all leos.

In western astrology the symbolism associated with the planets also relates to the zodiac signs and houses of the horoscope in their various rulerships. The sun and the moon are the only two planets having double numbers. The personal planets are the sun the moon mercury venus and mars.

Planets numbers and alphabets emit vibrations. 2 moon 2 11 20 29 born moon also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of cancer. 3 jupiter 3 12 21 and 30 born jupiter also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of pisces and sagittarius.

List of astrology planets and their meanings without further ado lets briefly go through the meaning of the planets in astrological terms. When these are in harmony you are extremely lucky. Each of these planets has been assigned numbers in numerology as follows.

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